
Can you help us to look after this unique heritage site close to the centre of Bradford? A lot of our current volunteers are involved in maintaining the site – indeed most grounds maintenance work at Undercliffe is carried out by volunteers! However, we are now seeking to expand our activities and there are lots of interesting and varied volunteering opportunities at Undercliffe:
- Grounds maintenance, gardening, horticulture
- Family History
- Social History
- Military History
- Guided Tours
- Working with Schools
- Ecology, botany, wildlife
- Restoration – relevant skills needed
Volunteers currently involved at Undercliffe include:
Individual Volunteers
There are a number of individuals who volunteer on a regular basis – and help out for perhaps half a day or a day per week. Some work from home and help with research and transcribing. Our research team has grown considerably over the last few years and they are involved in some exciting projects. Are you retired, between jobs or a student on a horticultural course looking for practical experience? We can offer a range of outdoor volunteering opportunities to meet your needs:
Local Community Groups
Are you a member of a community group that could help us to maintain the site? Currently members of the Idle and Greengates Rotary Club volunteer as a group one morning per month and look after a specific area within the cemetery. Another example is our links with the BD3 Environmental Project who organise “clean-up” sessions and help out with designated projects.
Through Business in the Community we have benefitted from the input of teams from Yorkshire Water and the Yorkshire Bank. If you are planning a team building day why not consider a project at Undercliffe Cemetery? We can offer a range of projects tailored to the specific time available, interests and skill levels.
Training Organisations
Are you involved with a training or support agency and looking for placement opportunities? Volunteering at the Cemetery offers an ideal opportunity to gain practical hands-on experience in a range of grounds maintenance and horticultural work. Agencies we work with include The Agape Project, West Yorkshire Probation Se

rvice, Cathedral Centre, Heaton House.
There is no minimum time commitment – we welcome all support. Some volunteers offer a few hours per week others come in for one or more days each week. All new volunteers will receive support and training – so no previous experience is needed.
If you are interesting in becoming a volunteer or would like to discuss any of these opportunities in more detail please contact the Coordinator and indicate in the email subject it is about Volunteering.
The opening hours for the Lodge are Monday to Wednesday 9am until 4pm and Thursday 9am until 2pm. Please ring before you visit