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Undercliffe Cemetery Trail

Why have we developed a Cemetery Trail at Undercliffe?

As volunteers at the Undercliffe Cemetery Charity, we have felt for some time that some introductory information was needed on the site itself, in addition to what is available on our website. Visitors may like to know something of the Cemetery’s story, and how this links with the wider history of Bradford and beyond.

We are grateful to both the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Bradford Council for providing grants to fund the project. Once this was secured, a group of us got together to create a Trail which would share our passion for the cemetery, and for the Bradford District. The project has coincided with the run up to the 2025 City of Culture: perfect timing!

At the beginning of the Trail Project, we thought we knew a fair amount of history, but have learnt so much from the process of developing the Trail content. We have scoured the local studies sections of our brilliant Bradford libraries; had help from experts at higher education institutions, the Bradford Museums Service, and the Telegraph and Argus newspaper; consulted with knowledgeable individuals and groups and worked with staff and children at a local primary school. Our thanks go to all who contributed.

We hope that you get as much joy from the Trail as we have had creating it.

Jacqui Ambler

Sue Crossley

Tim Hardy

Irene Lofthouse

Undercliffe Cemetery Charity Trail Project Group

Map of Undercliffe Cemetery showing the location of the proposed trail boards and the six listed monuments.

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