undercliffe cemetery graves


Aims and Objectives

To operate, maintain and preserve Undercliffe Cemetery for the public benefit in any or all of the following purposes:

  1. As an open space.
  2. The advancement of the education of the public, concerning the local, national, social and industrial history and architecture of the19th century. The study of the natural history, including ornithology and botany, of the cemetery and it environs.
  3. The burial of the dead.
  4. The preservation, protection and development of features of special scientific, historic, environmental and educational interest. This includes the flora and fauna,  maintenance and repair of the existing monuments, tombs and graves.

Company’s Memorandum of Association, 1987.

Undercliffe Cemetery Charity is a registered charity (Charity Number 519751) and a Company Limited by Guarantee (Company Number 1973400).
The Charity is overseen by a Management Sub-Committee (whose members are also Trustees). The Trustees include two representatives of Bradford M.D. Council, and others who are elected from the membership.


Steve Lightfoot

Vice Chair: 

Jacqui Ambler & John Jackson

Company Secretary: 
Chris Bird

Steve Lightfoot, John Jackson, Chris Bird, Jacqui Ambler,  Andy Tyne, Susan Crossley, Tim Hardy, Gaynor Haliday,  Jon Ackroyd, Senior Conservation and Design Officer  (Bradford MD Council),  John Scholefield, Bereavement & Amenity Manager, (Bradford MD Council)

Staff Member:
Aoife Sutton-Butler, Registrar and Business Manager.


The ongoing work to conserve and maintain Undercliffe Cemetery is only possible through the commitment of our volunteers. See Volunteering and Support Us for ways you can support the project.

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