undercliffe cemetery snow
new year newsletter

New lodge opening times

As from 2nd Sept 2024 the opening hours for the lodge will be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9am to 4pm. Thursday 9am to 1pm.

Please note our office has to close sometimes within these hours especially when funerals are taking place or when it is necessary for our staff to select burial plots etc. Please phone before visiting to ensure someone will be available.

You can contact the office via email or by phone.

The email address is office@undercliffecemetery.co.uk

Telephone number 01274 642276

Our groundwork volunteers work on Tuesdays between 9am and 2pm so this is a good time to visit if you need to locate a existing family plot. General enquiries for family plot information, or historical burial information should be via the office. There is also a contact form on our website at https://www.undercliffecemetery.co.uk/contact-page/

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